Soru Sahibi
2 Mart 2014 15:07

ablamin 47 yawi kendisi lipasarkoma

mr hocam yardimci olursaniz sevinirim Indication:Hx of retroperitoncal masses In comparison with prier Ctscandated *** *** ** Significant increase in size of most of retrooperitoneal masses is noted(largest one is measured 60 mm) liver has normal size and attenuation without focal lesion. Intra extra hepatic bile ducts, Gall bladder porta hepatis show normal appearance.Both kidneys have normal size without evidence of hydronephrosis with left perinephric infiltration.Adrenals are whithin normal limits. Splecn and pancreas have normal appearence without focal mass.Stomach and bowels omentum are intract.Urinary bladder is distended without significant pathology.Visible genitrl system is intract.Perirectah fat ischio rectal fossa muscles and bony skeleton seem as normal. DLP total 321 mGy/cm imp; Progressive disease Lungs have otherwis normal attenuation value and aeration without abnormal density pulmonary vasculartity appears without signicant pathology No pleural thickening calcifcation fluid and air collection in pleural space are noted.Mediastinum has normal intract.Heart visible major vessels are unremarkable skeleton soft tissues diaphragm are visible without significant pathology.There isnt evidence of pathologic enhancement Dlp total 159 mGy/cm imp;stable pulmonary nodule in RUL

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Cevaplar (1)
Prof. Dr. Özlem Er
Prof. Dr. Özlem Er
Tıbbi Onkoloji , Dahiliye - İç Hastalıkları

Böyle bir durumda öncelikle cerrahi konsültasyonu ve operabilite açısından değerlendirme uygun olur. OPerasyona uygunluğuna göre tedavi planı yapılabili,r Geçmiş olsun Dr O ER

2 Mart 2014 17:15
Prof. Dr. Özlem Er
Prof. Dr. Özlem Er Tıbbi Onkoloji , Dahiliye - İç Hastalıkları

Yazar toplam 366 soru cevapladı.

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