Evaluation of the radial peripapillary capillary density in unilateral branch retinal vein occlusion and the unaffected fellow eyes.

Background: Given that unilateral branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) and glaucoma share common systemic vascular risk factors, the fellow eyes of patients with BRVO may be at increased risk of glaucoma. Objectives: To analyze the radial peripapillary capillary density (RPCD) in eyes with unilateral BRVO and their unaffected fellow eyes using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA). Design: Cross-sectional, prospective study. Methods: The study included 120 eyes of 80 patients: 40 affected eyes of BRVO, 40 fellow eyes of BRVO, and 40 control eyes. The RPCD, retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT) were analyzed using OCTA. Results: RPCDs in the whole image, peripapillary region, all the hemispheres, and quadrants were statistically lower in the affected eyes than in both the fellow and control eyes (p < 0.05 for all). RPCD values in the whole image and the peripapillary region were significantly lower in the fellow eyes than in the control eyes (p = 0.013, and p = 0.021, respectively). RNFLTs in the peripapillary region, inferior hemisphere and inferior quadrant were significantly lower in the affected eyes than in the control eyes (p < 0.05 for all). No significant differences were detected between the fellow eyes and the control eyes in term of RNFLT values in any regions (p > 0.05 for all). Conclusion: Lower RPCD values despite similar RNFLT values were observed in the fellow eyes of patients with unilateral BRVO compared with healthy controls. These results may indicate the shared vascular mechanisms and risk factors that account for the development of BRVO and glaucoma. Keywords: branch retinal vein occlusion; glaucoma; optical coherence tomography angiography; radial peripapillary capillary density; retinal nerve fiber layer thickness.

Evaluation of the radial peripapillary capillary density in unilateral branch retinal vein occlusion and the unaffected fellow eyes.

Background: Given that unilateral branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) and glaucoma share common systemic vascular risk factors, the fellow eyes of patients with BRVO may be at increased risk of glaucoma.

Objectives: To analyze the radial peripapillary capillary density (RPCD) in eyes with unilateral BRVO and their unaffected fellow eyes using optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA).

Design: Cross-sectional, prospective study.

Methods: The study included 120 eyes of 80 patients: 40 affected eyes of BRVO, 40 fellow eyes of BRVO, and 40 control eyes. The RPCD, retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT) were analyzed using OCTA.

Results: RPCDs in the whole image, peripapillary region, all the hemispheres, and quadrants were statistically lower in the affected eyes than in both the fellow and control eyes (p < 0.05 for all). RPCD values in the whole image and the peripapillary region were significantly lower in the fellow eyes than in the control eyes (p = 0.013, and p = 0.021, respectively). RNFLTs in the peripapillary region, inferior hemisphere and inferior quadrant were significantly lower in the affected eyes than in the control eyes (p < 0.05 for all). No significant differences were detected between the fellow eyes and the control eyes in term of RNFLT values in any regions (p > 0.05 for all).

Conclusion: Lower RPCD values despite similar RNFLT values were observed in the fellow eyes of patients with unilateral BRVO compared with healthy controls. These results may indicate the shared vascular mechanisms and risk factors that account for the development of BRVO and glaucoma.

Keywords: branch retinal vein occlusion; glaucoma; optical coherence tomography angiography; radial peripapillary capillary density; retinal nerve fiber layer thickness.

Bu makale 6 Haziran 2022 tarihinde güncellendi. 0 kez okundu.

Doç. Dr. Yasin Şakir Göker

Ankara’da dünyaya geldim ve İlkokulu Ankara’da tamamladım. Orta öğrenimimi Ankara Atatürk Lisesi’nde, Lise öğrenimimi Kuleli Askeri Lisesi’nde tamamladım. Tıp Fakültesinin ilk 5 yılını 2003-2008 yılları arasında Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi Tıp Fakültesi’nde tamamladım. Tıp Fakültesinin 6. yılı olan internlük dönemini Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp fakültesinde tamamlayarak 2009 yılında Tıp Fakültesinden mezun oldum. Ankara Gölbaşı Ertuğrul Gazi Sağlık Ocağı’nda mecburi hizmet görevimi sürdürürken Tıpta uzmanlık sınavında derece ile Türkiye 37. olarak Türkiye’de sadece göz hastalarının muayene olduğu iki göz hastanesinden biri olan SB. Beyoğlu Göz Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nde göz hastalıkları ihtisasıma başladım. 2010-2014 yılları arasında uzmanlık eğitimimi on binlerce hasta deneyimleyerek tamamladım ve kısa bir dönem Çerkezköy Devlet Has ...

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Doç. Dr. Yasin Şakir Göker
Doç. Dr. Yasin Şakir Göker
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