Genel Cerrahi - Sorular ve Uzman cevapları

Seçtiğiniz kategorilerde uzmanlarımız tarafından toplam 1 soru cevaplandı.

Stomach problems

Hello I am English man living in Istanbul. I have had two nissen fundoplications for severe acid reflux and my last endoscopy showed that I have atropic gastritis I have had eight endoscopies in total. My symptoms are burning stomach pain, flushing stomach with severe diahorea about twice a week and very bad bloating and reflux still present. I take pantoprazole and an antepsin each day but feel no better. I had a 24 hour mannometry test that showed no acid reflux and an appointment with an ENT doctor who told me that I have no damage to my esphogus. I have heard about the gastropanel test please could you advise me? Mr East

18 Mart 2016 11:57
Op. Dr. Mustafa Şener Doktora Sor

Op. Dr. Mustafa Şener tarafından cevaplandı.

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