Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi - Sorular ve Uzman cevapları

Seçtiğiniz kategorilerde uzmanlarımız tarafından toplam 1 soru cevaplandı.


Patient had brain stroke (Ischemic) 28th-*** *** **. Unfortunately the injection TPA was not given. We got him tested for heart: ECO and ECG resulted as normal. Other blood tests include: Cholesterol, RFT LFT, Urine, Homocysteine. He was not a patient of Hypertension or Diabetes. He had MRI BRAIN on 30-*** *** ** Conclusion: Acutecerebellar infarcts bilaterallyinvolving the PICA territory. He had CT Angiography tested on *** *** **. CT CAROTID &CRANIAL ANGIOGRAPHY: IMPRESSION: Thrombotic occlusion of proximal left vertebral artery followed by moderate dif use stenosis in its distal course and significant stenosis in its intracranial segment. Bilateral cerebellar infarcts in PICA territories, more extensive on left. Mild eccentric plaque for...

7 Eylül 2020 14:54
Doç. Dr. Ali Zırh Doktora Sor

Doç. Dr. Ali Zırh tarafından cevaplandı.

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