Successful outcomes in adolescent varicocele treatment with high-level laparoscopic varicocelectomy

Purpose: In this study, we aimed to compare the effects of testicular vein ligation level on complications encountered; i.e. high-level ligation cranial to the linea terminalis vs ligation caudal to the linea terminalis.

Successful outcomes in adolescent varicocele treatment with high-level laparoscopic varicocelectomy

Purpose: In this study, we aimed to compare the effects of testicular vein ligation level on complications encountered; i.e. high-level ligation cranial to the linea terminalis vs ligation caudal to the linea terminalis.

Methods: A total of 47 unilateral adolescent patients, treated with laparoscopic varicocelectomy between January 2004 and December 2017, were reviewed retrospectively. Patients were divided into two groups in terms of ligation level: caudal to the linea terminalis as group 1 and cranial to the linea terminalis as group 2. Symptoms, varicocele grades, preoperative testicular growth arrest, operative method, hydrocele formation, postoperative recurrence and testicular catch-up growth were recorded.

Results: The mean operation time was 38.6 ± 10.2 min (34-53 min) in group 1 and was 33.6 ± 6.4 min (29-42 min) in group 2. Single hydrocele occurred in the laparoscopic nonselective varicocelectomy in group 1 (4.5%) and was successfully treated with open hydrocelectomy. Single varicocele recurrence was observed in the laparoscopic selective varicocelectomy in group 1 (4.5%) and treated with laparoscopic nonselective varicocelectomy cranial to the linea terminalis.

Conclusions: The high-level ligation of the spermatic veins cranial to the linea terminalis during laparoscopic varicocelectomy, independent of the technique applied, may contribute to reasonable low hydrocele and recurrence rates.

Bu makale 25 Temmuz 2023 tarihinde güncellendi. 0 kez okundu.

Prof. Dr. Osman Zeki Karakuş

Prof. Dr. Osman Zeki Karakuş, 1974 yılında Antalya’nın Korkuteli İlçesi’nde doğdu. İlk ve orta öğretimini Korkuteli’de, lise eğitimini 1992 yılında Konya Atatürk Sağlık Meslek Lisesinde tamamladı. 1994 yılında Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksek Okulu Tıbbi Laboratuvar Bölümününden mezun oldu. Sağlık Memuru ve Tıbbi Laboratuvar Teknikeri unvanları ile 1992 – 2002 yılları arasında Ankara Onkoloji Hastanesi ve Samsun Mehmet Aydın Devlet Hastanesinde görev yaptı. Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde 1995-2001 yılları arasında tamamladığı tıp eğitiminin ardından 2002-2003 yıllarında Samsun’da pratisyen hekimlik yaptı. 2003-2008 yılları arasında Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Cerrahisi Ana Bilim Dalında uzmanlık eğitimi alan Prof. Dr. Karakuş, Ankara Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi’nde 2009 yılında ...

Prof. Dr. Osman Zeki Karakuş
Prof. Dr. Osman Zeki Karakuş
Antalya - Çocuk Cerrahisi
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