Metilen blue usage for the closed peptic ulcer perforation: a case report

Peptic ulcer perforation is the cause of aproximately 5% of acute abdomen cases. Closed perforation incidance in these patients, is quite rare and there is no certain reports in the literature. It? is difficult to diagnose unless peritonitis occurence. The management of closed perforation treatment can be made by operative or non operative. We frequently use the metilen blue which have been widely used on gastrointestinal tract surgery for localization of perforation or anastomosis leakage test in our centre, too. We present a 54 year-old man patient with no findings of acute abdomen on applying time and he performed acute abdomen on following second day. So emergency laparotomi performed and bilios, with fibin, dirty content were seen during the operation and perforation localizated with administration of metilen blue from nasogastric tube.

Metilen blue usage for the closed peptic ulcer perforation: a case report

Peptic ulcer perforation is the cause of aproximately 5% of acute abdomen cases. Closed perforation incidance in these patients, is quite rare and there is no certain reports in the literature. It? is difficult to diagnose unless peritonitis occurence. The management of closed perforation treatment can be made by operative or non operative. We frequently use the metilen blue which have been widely used on gastrointestinal tract surgery for localization of perforation or anastomosis leakage test in our centre, too. We present a 54 year-old man patient with no findings of acute abdomen on applying time and he performed acute abdomen on following second day. So emergency laparotomi performed and bilios, with fibin, dirty content were seen during the operation and perforation localizated with administration of metilen blue from nasogastric tube.

Bu makale 25 Kasım 2023 tarihinde güncellendi. 0 kez okundu.

Op. Dr. Hüsamettin Bayraktar

Op.Dr Hüsamettin Bayraktar; 1983 Tokat/Erbaa doğumlu evli ve 1 çocuk babasıdır. Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 2001-2008 yılında mezun olduktan sonra Malatya İnönü Üniversitesi İhtisas 2012-2017 yıllarında ihtisasını tamamlamıştır. Şırnak Cizre'de 5 yıl Genel Cerrahi Uzmanı olarak görev yapmıştır. 2022 yılı itibari ile  İrmet Hospital'da görev yapmaktadır. Özellikle şu an tüm dünyada en güvenli yöntem olarak kabul edilen, lazer tedavisinden dahi daha üstün ve konforlu bir yöntem olan Doppler ile hemoroid damarlarının bağlanması yani ADL üzerine ameliyatlar gerçekleştirmektedir. Ayrıca tüm fıtık ameliyatlarını laparoskopik yani kapalı yöntemle yapmaktadır. Bununla birlikte tiroid ve meme cerrahisi, kapalı safra kesesi ameliyatları ve proktolojik cerrahileri (Lazer ile kıl dönmesi, makat çatlağı, fistül) uygulamaktadır. Ayr ...

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Op. Dr. Hüsamettin Bayraktar
Op. Dr. Hüsamettin Bayraktar
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