Intravıtrıal ınjectıon

Intravıtrıal ınjectıon

is an injection into the vitreous, which is the jelly-like substance inside the eye. It is performed to place medicines inside the eye, near the retina. The medicines may help stop growth of new blood vessels by blocking the effects of growth signals the body sends to generate new blood vessels. These drugs are considered the first-line treatment for all stages of wet macular degeneration.

Intravitreal Injection Procedure:
Once your pupil is dilated, the actual procedure takes around 15 minutes. You will lie in a comfortable position and anaesthetic (numbing) drops are placed in your eye. Your eye and eyelids will also be cleaned with an iodine antiseptic solution. The eye is then held open with an instrument and the medicine is injected into your vitreous. You may feel slight pressure on the eye when this is done, but you should not experience pain. After the injection procedure, the doctor will check your eye. Some antibiotic ointment will be placed in your eye before you leave. You may experience a gritty sensation in the eye, and there may be bleeding over the white of the eye. You should not worry about this, it will resolve with time. You might see floaters; however these will become smaller and disappear over a couple weeks. You may undergo repeat injections every few weeks to maintain the beneficial effect of the medicine. In some instances you may partially recover vision as the blood vessels shrink and the fluid under the retina absorbs, allowing retinal cells to regain some function.

Op.Dr.Ahmet UMAY
Bristol University / Ophtalmology Section
United Kingdom

Resource :
Wolfe Eye Clinic



Bu makale 16 Mart 2019 tarihinde güncellendi. 0 kez okundu.

Op. Dr. Ahmet Umay

He was born in Ankara 20.11.1969. He will be secondary school in Ankara,and completed his primary education and education at TED Found Ankara College.  He started medical school by studying English at Meditzinkski Universitet Plovdiv in Bulgaria. Creating a task as a GP for a while followed by England in the United Kingdom/England. He graduated from Queen Mary University of London as a Master of Science(Ophthalmology Specialty).(1996-2000) He graduated from the University of Bristol School of Medicine. Scientific,Surgical Literature.(2000-2001) living, graduation news for a short time,vitreoretinal field duties at Morfields International Eye's of Cilical Surgery Hospital. He has worked in many effective surgeries with good academics and surgeons of the west,such as Prof.Dr. AndrewDavid Dick & Prof. Dr. Rebecca Ford. The ...

İntravitreal injection procedure
Op. Dr. Ahmet Umay
Op. Dr. Ahmet Umay
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