Soru Sahibi
10 Şubat 2021 05:47

Allergies problem

Merhaba , My name is Svetlana Savelyev, For many years I have a problem with allergies. I am 49 years old. I would like to ask you if i can visit you clinic and do the full examination and tests to find the reasons of my allergies which i am experiencing for the last 20 years. Currently i have my eyes are swallowing every morning . I am trying to apply ice but it does not help . Please let me know when can i come and how much will it cost. Thank you Regards Svetlana Savelyev

1 cevap
000 görüntülenme
Cevaplar (1)
Dr. A. Aziz Deniz
Dr. A. Aziz Deniz
Geleneksel ve Tamamlayıcı Tıp

Hi, Svetlana. You can call us to make an appointment. Comprehensive alergy test will cost 400 TL. You can be sure we'll find the cause of the allergy. After that, we can start the treatment, you will be alright then. You can call us to get information. Have a good day. *** *** **

27 Şubat 2021 13:31
Dr. A. Aziz Deniz
Dr. A. Aziz Deniz Geleneksel ve Tamamlayıcı Tıp

Yazar toplam 6 soru cevapladı.

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